The marionette will be wearing an EEG device measuring brainwave patterns. The EEG signals will be digitised and input into a computer. Using MAX/MSP the numerical flow derived from the EEG signals will be radically simplified (averaged and forced into specific parameters). The simplified number flow will be sent back out of the computer to a headlamp also worn by the marionette. The headlamp will be designed so that the numerical flow from the computer will determine its intensity (ie. a high number = more intensity, a low number = less intensity). The ultimate intention is that while the puppet's brainwave activity is low (ie., very relaxed, eyes closed or still) the intensity of the light will be low. As the puppet's brainwave activity increases (ie. agitated, looking about) the intensity of the light will be high, and as such it will be increasingly functional.

The symbolic value of the headlamp is that it implies the third eye point, the seat of consciousness.

The marionette will also be wearing devices measuring either heart rate (EKG) or blood pressure. Again, the signals from these devices will be digitised and the numerical flow derived from them will be used to manipulate a pre-programmed audio sample(s) (ie. changing its pitch, modulation, or, beyond a pre-specified threshold, jumping to or adding another audio sample, etc.). The intention is that the level of stress and activity experienced by the puppet will create a continuous sonic backdrop for the performance until the puppet falls.